In this issue...a special spotlight on Enoch Gbadegesin, Lauren Summers, and Jonathan Wilkins, minutes from the last meeting, information on updated contact information for Harambee members, updates, and much more.
Kwanzaa at HDS
Harambee would like to thank everyone for coming out last Thursday and celebrating our heritage at Kwanzaa. The highlights of the festival included a focus on the black power movement, clips of speeches from the movement, impromptu dancing, the distribution of Harambee Tshirts, introspective conversation, drumming, an African dance performance, candle-lighting, and a special selection from our own Reverend Enoch.
This Month......
There will also be a Black Heritage Dinner in February. Shaundra and Terri will be main administrators, Dr. Best will be history presentation, and there will hopefully be AAD (BAN) collaboration.
In the time between now and the next meeting please meet and make plans for the alloted events. If you would like to volunteer and are not signed up please email
In the Know....
Harambee will meet once a month on Thursday from noon-1pm. Our first meeting of the spring semester will be on the first Thursday in February at noon in Rock.
Need to find a Harambee member? Contact information was handed out at a previous meeting. Since then it has been updated and is currently posted on the blog. If your information is not correct or someone is missing email
Spotlight on Enoch Gbadegesin. Congratulations to Enoch Gbadegesin! He successfully presented his paper at the AAR conference this semester. The topic was on religion in Nigeria. Please contact him for more information or to read his paper.
Spotlight on Lauren Summers. Lauren presented a paper on gender and religion at a Harvard Divinity School Community talk given by Dr. Wallace Best. Congrats to her and to Dr. Best. Because of miscommunication on behalf of Harambee, the black turn out was low. We would like to formally apologize for this, as we will strive to attend and publicize more events in the future. :)
Spotlight on Jonathan Wilkins. This month Jonathan was officially launched into ministry as he conducted his trial sermon at Union Baptist Church in Central Square in Cambridge. Congrats and good luck in your future endeavors!
Keep Harambee Updated on you!. If you have any announcements about yourself-academic, personal, professional-Harambee wants to know! :) Email you updates to
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