Monday, February 12, 2007

Minutes from Feb 8th Harambee meeting

Hello All! HARAMBEE!!!

Here are the minutes from the last meeting. Flyers are posted on the Harambee Board. Unfortunately they will not be placed in mailboxes this semester.
Afiya -Harambee Secretary

The Heritage Dinner
-Harambee is responsible for proofing the text for the invitation and guest list, Jeremy volunteered to do this for the group
-AAD giving around 3,000
-Guest list needed to be to Leila in the Alumni office, like yesterday :(
-Faculty club group: food=Shelia, and Jonathan, flowers and other=Q, AudioVisual=Afiya
-program already in place for this event: Gomes keynote, some alums will speak, a current student will speak
-the main goal of this meeting is to set up a mentoring program between te alums and current students
-Shaundra will get the invitations from Leila and put them in boxes
-estimated number of people to attend event: 65
-Terri will get a list of key faculty to invite to teh event
-Programming Committee: Terry, Jeremy, Afiya
-Faculty Club Committee: Leila, Q, Sheila, Jonathan, Gomes (?)

Other Important Updates:
-Events to attend: Ministry Studies events (see HdS calendar)Thursday 2/22 Braun Roon 5:10-6:30; Carol Duncan Speaking Engagement, 2/21 6:30-8:30 Sperry Room
-Noon Service in Feb, Community Tea in Feb. Theme "Knowing your purpose"
-Sister2Sister date correction from Flyer: Feb 20, March 20, April 17.