Thursday, September 07, 2006

Get Ready...Get Set...HARAMBEE!!!!!!!!!

Hello Harambee at HDS!

I hope everyone has a great summer! This semester is slated to being truly awesome as we "pull together" and represent blackness at HDS!
Here is a brief 'heads-up' about what is coming up, clear your schedules! :)

Harambee table at Orientation:
Come meet the new black students and share your Harambee experiences with the new folk!
Wear your Harambee Tshirt if you have one.
Friday September 15th at 9:30-11:30am
Andover Lawn

Harambee Orientation Dinner
Free food and fellowship at the house of Dr. Giles and Dean Belva's
Friday September 15th at 7pm
971 Aberdeen Avenue
Cambridge, MA

Freedom Trail Boston
Saturday September 23,
details to follow....

Harambee Tshirts 2006-2007
email your sizes to
pick up T-shirts at Freedom Trail trip
more information to follow

Until then...
Remember... HARAMBEE!!!!!!!!!!!
See you soon.

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