Last Month..... Minutes from the December meeting: On February 28th, Harambee hosted Noon Service. The theme centered on Black History Month. Harambee also hosted the community tea on the day before, Tuesday February 27, 2007.
Email us:
This Month...... Minutes from the last meeting: Last meeting was a Harambee check-in session. Students discussed how their HDS experiences are shaping their careers ands to improve that experience.
There are many other events coming this semester. Please make plans to volunteer and to attend these events. To volunteer email:
Mark Your Calendars
Sister2Sister lunches at noon on March 20, and April 17th.
“Get-Together” Friday March 16th at Shelia Glenn’s apt RSVP to
Harambee Heritage Dinner at the Faculty Club on April 10th at 6:15pm.
Harambee Elections: April 24-26th
Rites of passage ceremony for graduates on Thursday May 3, 2007.
In the Know.... Harambee will meet once a month on the first Tuesday from noon-1pm. Meetings and events are open to all. The next meeting is Tuesday April 3.
Spotlight... on Terri Cisse! On March 4th at 11am our own Terri Cisse ministered at Cornell University. The title of her sermon was “Choose Life, The Lord has Need of You.” The service was sponsored by the Cornell United Religious Work and was at their Sage Chapel.
Need to find a Harambee member? Contact information has been updated and is currently posted on the blog. If your information is not correct or someone is missing email
Keep Harambee Updated on you!. If you have any announcements about yourself-academic, personal, professional- Harambee wants to know! :) Email your updates to