Very soon. Sooner than I thought.
But it looks like it's gonna be great!!!!!
Here are the meeting notes from the last Harambee meeting with all the details.
enjoy :)
I.Review of Ban Symposium: APRIL 7, 2006 beginning at 9am
B.Harambee Participation, (come!)
Overview: Q is going to do a fiery speach similar to noon service, reading, etc. Shelia Glenn is going to do the benediction. Bernadette, Afiya and Jeremy are doing registration beginning at 9:15 am. Come with questions for discussion for the section about careers after HDS, led by Career services. Plan to attend the BAN lunch, good networking event. Get flyers from Terri. Harambee Participation is key, because this year we did not have to plan the event alone. :)
II.Discussion of Harambee Contribution to Hurricane Katrina Project
A.Student Reps going on trip
B.Report from Treasurer on gifts for HDS Alum
Overview: There will be a series of four trips. Harambee will be involved in other ones also, the planning, etc. Gift given to Paula as help for Katrina $200.
III. Discussion of Harambee Year End Celebration
A.Overview of Program Agenda
B. Selection of Date, Time, and PLace
Overview: Date either May 3 or May 9 (waiting for Paul to come back, but want graduates to still be around). Stoles for all black graduates, in Harambee or not. Possibly do before reading period. Eight known Harambee graduates for 2006.
Pull together ya'll.
(excuse typos, busy week)